Emotional Intelligence and Its Association with Cultural Competence and Cultural Awareness

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S. C. Neong, Zaleha Md Isa, Mohd. Rizal Abd. Manaf, Ibrahim Tahir N. Anwar


“Emotional intelligence (EI) has been shown as one of the many strong predictors of job performance, job satisfaction, and burnout. Cultural competence and cultural awareness have been proven to be associated with corporate emotional intelligence. This article aims to carry out a systematic literature review on emotional intelligence and its association with cultural awareness and cultural competence. Through the methodology of this systematic review, 642 records were identified through Web of Science (WoS) and Scopus on emotional intelligence, cultural competence and cultural awareness. There are a total of 501 records out of these which were excluded based on the exclusion criteria. A total of 20 records were excluded due to duplication. Of the remaining 121 records, 113 were deemed not befitting the research question. Eight articles were deemed suitable for final analysis. These are 8 articles centred on the effectiveness of emotional competence and emotional awareness in affecting emotional intelligence. The systematic literature review has shown the association between emotional intelligence and cultural competence and cultural awareness. This review has also shown the effectiveness of cultural competence and cultural awareness in influencing emotional intelligence.”

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