Qualitative Assessment of Psychosocial Needs of Acid Attack Survivors using a Conceptual Model

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Ankita Dalal, Indu Bala, Rajesh Nair


Acid attacks, a devastating form of gender-based assault, emerged as a grave social concern in many regions worldwide. Despite the availability of legal frameworks, the incidents of acid attacks are on rise. This case study delved into the psychosocial journey of the acid attack survivors and explored the factors that contributed to their resilience and healing. The objective of research is to shed light on emotional and psychosocial challenges faced by victims of such traumatic incidents and their coping mechanisms. By using the qualitative research method and a conceptual framework, the data was collected using five in-depth interviews of acid attack survivors and nine key informant (Lawyers, healthcare providers, functionaries of NGOs) interviews of experts working in the field. The study further tried to ascertain how acid attack survivors developed to navigate their way towards psychological recovery. A thematic analysis approach was used for data analysis. The real-life cases of acid attack victims were examined to measure the impact on survivors’ psychosocial health. The study tried to understand survivors’ emotional and behavioral responses, the felt need for mental healthcare services, interventions, and support systems that could aid in healing process. Acid attacks were identified as a multidimensional phenomenon, requiring a multisectoral response and tangible psychosocial support mechanisms to be made accessible by government. 

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