Rules For Authors

Verify that your paper follows the journal's standards before submitting. When composing your manuscript, following the right instructions greatly raises its quality and increases its likelihood of being published. You may get acquainted with the journal's structure criteria by reading previously published papers in the Current Issue.

The manuscripts must adhere to the accepted standards of scientific English in terms of language, clarity, and style. Manuscripts that are well-written are more likely to get accepted.

Formatting specifications

The manuscript's title should be visible at the top of the first page. The subject of the piece must be made crystal clear in the title.

Names and affiliations on the title page:

Following the designation is the full name of each author (first name, middle initial, and last name). Each author's affiliations are included with their full addresses, including their city, state, and nation, as well as their department(s) and institution(s).

corresponding author

Name, address, phone number, fax number, and email of the corresponding author are required.


All articles must include a structured abstract of between 200 and 250 words that solely contains information found in the text's main body. The relevance must be stated in a statement of clinical importance that appears both in the manuscript's abstract and at the conclusion of the main body of text.


Below the abstract, there must be a list of three to five keywords from the paper.


This should make it clear what the study's objectives are as well as the problems it will focus on. It must include a description of the issue that this paper addresses, illustrating the issue from the larger context and present circumstances before going on to the particular issue that this article attempts to address

Resources and Procedures

The choice of the observational or experimental subjects (human or nonhuman), as well as the techniques and materials employed, including samples and statistical methodologies, should all be clearly described in this section. Brief descriptions of frequently used techniques or processes should be followed by references to the relevant sources. Unique tests, techniques, and procedures should, however, be sufficiently documented to enable other researchers to replicate the findings.


wherever possible, give preference to a graphical portrayal of study outcomes. Make use of subheadings to make your work more clear. The templates have more details.


This part should explain the significance of the findings, list the discoveries that have been made, and include the findings of other research that have addressed a related issue. Compare your findings to those of previous research, emphasizing the variations and originality of your own findings. The findings should be thoroughly understood, critically examined, and new information should be synthesized from the analysis in this chapter.


It should be succinct and include the key information that was outlined in the paper. Conclusions must be drawn from the data gathered throughout the inquiry and should include any potential applications. It is important to convey both concluding findings.