Biological and Productivity Characteristics of One-Humped Camels in the Conditions of Ustyurt

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A. K. Tleumuratov, R. U. Turganbaev


This article shows ways to improve the productivity of camels and fully use their genetic potential, create productive lines, and increase their productivity. Determination and development of optimal methods of meat production depending on the constitution, growth indicators of one-humped camels are determined and conclusions are given. It was determined that the structure of the udder of one-humped camels depends on their milk yield, and the cup-shaped udder structure is superior to the animals with a round udder structure by 0,65 liters per day. It is recommended to use camels over 3 years of age to determine the degree of obesity by the size of the withers. Recommendations for determining the degree of obesity based on the size of the waist are given.

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