Features Of Reform And Development Of Agriculture In The Republic Of Uzbekistan (Using The Example Of The Bukhara Region)

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Aziza Marksovna Aminova


The monoculture of cotton, which dominated the Republic of Uzbekistan for a long Soviet period, seriously hampered the development of other vital sectors of the agro-industrial complex and gave rise to a lot of negative consequences. In some areas, the cotton monoculture occupied the best agricultural lands, displacing other crops that were so necessary for the population. As a result, the level of satisfaction of the population's needs through public production of many fruits, vegetables, melons, and livestock products was low.

The article analyzes the state of the agro-industrial sector in the republic using the example of the Bukhara region over the past thirty years. The state policy aimed at the gradual reorientation of raw cotton production towards the development of grains, vegetables and fruits, and the development of livestock farming, including astrakhan fur, is revealed. The issues of deep structural changes in the agricultural sector and the country's involvement in global integration processes through the creation of clusters, greenhouses, and the Bukhara-Agro agro-industrial economic zone are covered.

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